Friday, February 10, 2023

Friday, February 10

Blog #13

February 6-10


    I can experience oral, print and and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres. For example cultural/traditional literature, realistic fiction, historic fiction, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, informational, biographies and poetry.

                    Adapted from Alberta Learn Literacy Curriculum Grades 3-6

    Grade three's looking for words ending in "ed"  and "oo" digraphs in a traditional fiction text.

Grade Six 
    The grade sixes are beginning new novels in their literature circle time. Our first task was to play "One Word". 

    Before being introduced to the book, each group was given two words that were chosen in advance and related to the novel they were about to start. As a group, they were to write down any thoughts that came to mind upon reading these words. They were then shown the novel's front cover. We discussed any new ideas that were sparked by the picture. 

        We will revisit these mind maps after the completion of the novels. I wonder how their perceptions of the words will change? 

The Benefits of Reading Different Genres

  • Improves overall reading comprehension
  • Builds vocabulary
  • Helps improve writing skills
  • Develops a broader perspective 
  • Stimulates imagination and creativity skills
"Read to Self "and "Read to Someone" texts for all grades celebrating "Black History Month".

Friday, February 3, 2023

Friday, February 3

Blog #12

January 30 - February 3

Grade Five

I can use listening, reading, and viewing experiences as a model for producing 

my own oral, print, and media texts.

I can identify and discuss the character's point of view and motivation

 Point of View

    In grade five we are learning that understanding the point of view of a story is important because "who" tells the story affects how the reader connects with and interprets the story's characters, events and plot. 

    We started by looking at a familiar story being told from two different perspectives. The wolf from  the fairytale "The Three Little Pigs" is no longer portrayed as a villain in his version of the tale. 

    In "Voices in the Park" by Anthony Browne four different voices tell their own version of the same walk in the park. The short story contains many themes and became the inspiration for our own skits.

Student created "Snowy Day" skits depicting how five different family members react to a large dump of snow overnight.